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Скачать с ютуб This Life guy has 2680 mmr and 1200 games this season... GL to me! - WC3 в хорошем качестве

This Life guy has 2680 mmr and 1200 games this season... GL to me! - WC3 3 месяца назад

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This Life guy has 2680 mmr and 1200 games this season... GL to me! - WC3

Oh damn! The player we're facing today is an absolute ladder grinding machine! 1200 games this season, and a whopping 778 victories! Let's try to make a dent in this winrate! This Life guy has 2680 mmr and 1200 games this season... GL to me! (Game played on 20-August-2024) Merch: Commentary channel:    / @grubbytalks   Would love for you to join me at the daily live stream:   / grubby   Join my Discord!   / discord   #Grubby #Games #Strategy #Multiplayer #Competitive #2680MMR #LadderBeast
