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Mutant Primates vs Stone Itself - Animal Revolt Battle Simulator

#AnimalRevoltBattleSimulator #Games #Kup 1 vs 1 Mutant Primates vs Stone Itself with HP bar About Animal Revolt Battle Simulator (arbs) Animal Revolt Battle Simulator is the first game of its kind where all movements and interactions between animals are fully physics-based. As the creatures fight each other, you can see the limbs bending, necks twisting, bodies flying around and blood splashing everywhere! I hope you like it! Please like the video and subscribe me! ⚓SUBSCRIBE:    / @kupchannel   Mod created by GTS Simulator:    / @gtssimulator   Mod created by Creepy Monster Simulator:    / @truonggamer9664   Music : The following music was used for this media project: Music: Ancient Mystery Waltz (Presto) by Kevin MacLeod Free download: License (CC BY 4.0): StompDance by Kevin MacLeod Link: License:
