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How to design streets for everyone (Universal Design) 3 года назад

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How to design streets for everyone (Universal Design)

Be one of the first 200 people to sign up with this link and get 20% off your subscription with Check out the amazing PBS Overview video on Atlanta's streets here:    • US Streets Are Dangerous. We Can Fix ...   "How Blind People Cross The Street Alone by The Tommy Edison Experience:    • How Blind People Cross The Street Alone   "How a Blind Person Crosses the Street" by BreakingBlind:    • How a Blind Person Crosses the Street   This video is based on the American Society of Landscape Architects' Universal Design guide: Produced by Dave Amos in sunny San Luis Obispo, California. Edited by Ryan Alva in Los Angeles, California. Audio by Eric Schneider in cloudy Cleveland, Ohio. Select images and video from Getty Images. Black Lives Matter.
