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TONGKAT ALI & FADOGIA, Another Supplement Scam? | Jerry Brainum

On this week’s episode of the Escape Your Limits Podcast, our guest was the science editor of Muscle and Fitness magazine, an editor-at-large for Flex magazine, and a regular contributor to Ironman magazine for 28 years. His articles were the only articles read in bodybuilding magazines by 3-time Mr. Olympia champion, Frank Zane. He is the creator of Applied Metabolics, an in-depth newsletter about food supplements; exercise science; steroids, and much more. Besides his writing, he has been a nutrition consultant for numerous elite, world-class athletes such as Floyd Mayweather Jr, Oscar de La Hoya, and Vassiliy Jirov. He was also a competitive bodybuilder himself and trained alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger at the original Gold’s gym in Venice, California in the 70s. Today, he spills nothing but the truth about: • The biggest mistakes most bodybuilders make • The myths, truths, pros, and cons of steroids • And how a lot of safe supplements can have deathly effects To learn more about Applied Metabolics, click here! #fadogia #andrewhuberman #tongkatali ====================================================== Subscribe to our channel and turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published:    / escapefitness   Shop gym equipment: ====================================================== Facebook:   / escapefitness   Instagram:   / escapefitness   Twitter:   / escapefitness   LinkedIn:   / escape-fitness  
