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Скачать с ютуб 'We’re ready for any task': Belarusian army shows off brigade on EU border в хорошем качестве

'We’re ready for any task': Belarusian army shows off brigade on EU border 1 год назад

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'We’re ready for any task': Belarusian army shows off brigade on EU border

At an army training ground on the Western edge of Belarus, only several miles from the EU border, youthful-looking soldiers practise driving, parachuting and combat scenes. The Belarusian army shows off a paratrooper brigade in the city of Brest, on the Polish border, during a tightly-controlled tour. "We are ready for any task, however difficult, if we have to to defend our beloved Belarus," says deputy commander of the Special Operations Forces of Belarus Vadim Lukashevich. Subscribe to the Manila Bulletin Online channel! -    / themanilabulletin   Visit our website at Facebook:   / manilabulletin   Twitter:   / manila_bulletin   Instagram:   / manilabulletin   Tiktok:   / manilabulletin   #ManilaBulletinOnline #ManilaBulletin #LatestNews
