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Arc Pulse Case Review & Unboxing - Extremely Minimal Case!! - iPhone 14 Pro Space Black

Today we are looking at the Arc Pulse case which is definitely the most minimal case i have looked at so far and some would say you may as well have your phone be caseless when it comes to something like this but keep watching to find out more As always Ive gone ahead and linked the case showcased in this video below in case you'd like to purchase it for yourself Arc Pulse Case for the iPhone 14 Pro: Ive recently joined TikTok to show off more short form content so go ahead and join me over there if you'd prefer some faster paced videos! TikTok: Instagram: Twitter: This video is not sponsored in any way, shape, nor form and Arc had no say or influence in any of what was stated in the video. Everything stated was from my own thoughts and opinions
