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Скачать с ютуб Sabaton - The future of warfare (English Lyrics) в хорошем качестве

Sabaton - The future of warfare (English Lyrics) 5 лет назад

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Sabaton - The future of warfare (English Lyrics)

The great war was often fought in close quarters, men dug trenches to hide in and with barbed wire they made it very difficult for the enemy to advance. This often resulted in stalemates at the fronts and every advancement was a very risk operation. As a solution to this the engineers started to construct armoured vehicles on long tracks that would be able to cross trenches, barbed wire and muddy fields while protecting soldiers from enemy fire, and thus the tank was born and the future of warfare was unveiled. Lyric video for Sabaton - The future of warfare Video style was inspired by PiscatorLager but since he's stopped uploading, I'm choosing to use his style. Picture is The devil's trade DISCLAIMER: I do not condone hate or harassment of any kind. You can be politically incorrect in my comments section, but please don't deliberately be a dick to others. That is all. thank you
