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Скачать с ютуб The Most Eco-friendly Hotel In Mallorca | Sustainable Travel & Eco-Tourism в хорошем качестве

The Most Eco-friendly Hotel In Mallorca | Sustainable Travel & Eco-Tourism 3 года назад

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The Most Eco-friendly Hotel In Mallorca | Sustainable Travel & Eco-Tourism

If you’re in need of some slow living, look no further than this eco-friendly, healthy, and sustainable hotel in the mountains of Mallorca. Ecocirer, arguably Mallorca’s most incredible sustainable stay, is just the place to relax, unwind, eat nutritiously, and take in endless views of both the mountains and the Mediterranean Sea. With breakfast cooked by owners Barbara and Martin every morning, with ingredients straight from their garden, Ecocirer offers both luxury and the feeling of coming home. Thank you so much to Barbara, Martin, their lovely daughters, and Mango the Labrador for welcoming us into your world, where slow living is just the right speed. Learn more about Ecocirer- Learn more about the Nick Maughan Foundation-​​ ​​​ See more on Instagram-   / goinggreenmedia   Join the Going Green Facebook Page-   / ​​  
