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Nital Nixa | Zubeen Garg | Old Assamese Song |

Album : XONDHYA Song : Nital Nixa Music : Zubeen Garg Year : 1992 Disclaimer : music mania is not associated with Zubeen Garg in any way.This Video is an honest and harmless attempt at creating an entertaining video using parts of Zubeen Garg's songs. We do not intend in any way to misuse Zubeen Garg’s works. If in any case Zubeen Garg’s Team feels that this Video should be removed, we will do that at the latest. Please mail us or leave a comment requesting this Video’s removal.We request you to not issue a Copyright take down request from YouTube as that will cause irrevocable damage to this channel. Thank you for your support. music mania.
