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Скачать с ютуб Minneapolis, USA 4K Walking Tour September 2023 - Downtown, University Campus, Mississippi River в хорошем качестве

Minneapolis, USA 4K Walking Tour September 2023 - Downtown, University Campus, Mississippi River 1 год назад

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Minneapolis, USA 4K Walking Tour September 2023 - Downtown, University Campus, Mississippi River

Enjoy this walking tour through the streets of Minneapolis (USA) from your TV at home. This video will show you some of the many streets and beautiful locations that make up today's Minneapolis. The video was filmed in September 2023. We start the walk crossing the Stone Arch Bridge from the east side to the west. Then we move southeast to Gold Medal Park before we head northwest and cross the Mississippi River again over the Hennepin Avenue Bridge. Then we move along the east side of the river before we take a tour to the Downtown area. In the end of the film we check out the University of Minnesota Campus Area. This video was filmed with GoPro Hero 10 Everything in the video is filmed and recorded on location. Do not copy, reproduce, or distribute any of the content. #minneapolis #minnesota #walkingtour
