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Скачать с ютуб "TUNED" K20 EG Hatch on the Dyno! Tuning Tips Inside! в хорошем качестве

"TUNED" K20 EG Hatch on the Dyno! Tuning Tips Inside! 3 года назад

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"TUNED" K20 EG Hatch on the Dyno! Tuning Tips Inside!

This 1992 K20 EG Hatch is what happens when its done the correct way! This build is setup for Time Attack events and to be a great daily. The car is super clean and has lots of attention to detail and all the right parts. We hop on the dyno and dial this thing in! Cant get enough of the these EG Hatch's ! So many different fun directions you can go with the chassis. Need a Tune or Interested in partnering with us! Shoot us a email. [email protected] Follow us on Instagram : @Trackstar_mediaworks Facebook: Trackstar Mediaworks
