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Скачать с ютуб Blackfriars Road | Inside The Boulevard ,Southwark | Behind the scenes with mechanical engineers в хорошем качестве

Blackfriars Road | Inside The Boulevard ,Southwark | Behind the scenes with mechanical engineers 2 года назад

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Blackfriars Road | Inside The Boulevard ,Southwark | Behind the scenes with mechanical engineers

Link365 worked with United Living on the installation of the mechanical engineering services for their recent Blackfriars project for Latimer Homes. Take a look behind the scenes at the element that Link365 manages in order to bring homes like this to the market. The Boulevard is a collection of new apartments located in the heart of Blackfriars Road ,SE1. An exclusive Zone 1 development ,in close proximity to key transport links , and the best links ,and the best of creative ,cultural and social experiences London has to offer ,The Boulevard has been designed to reflect and enhance the unique character and iconic heritage of the area. For more information about the mechanical construction services that Link365 specialise across the South East and Midlands areas ,Visit
