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Скачать с ютуб Meopta Optika 6: Best Scope 4 the Money? в хорошем качестве

Meopta Optika 6: Best Scope 4 the Money? 3 года назад

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Meopta Optika 6: Best Scope 4 the Money?

The Czech optical firm Meopta has a reputation for producing the best riflescopes and binoculars in the world for the money, and now it’s really giving riflescope manufacturers a run with its new Optika line of riflescopes. The Optika 2.5x-15x-44mm offers a 6x zoom ratio, 30mm main tube, three proprietary lens coatings for hydrophobia, scratch resistance and light transmission, as well as a revolutionary BDC “DichroTech” reticle that adapts to lighting the conditions yet doesn’t use batteries. Side focus and zero-reset turrets offer long-range shooters real-world advantages. I really like it’s rubberized focus wheel ring with an optional throw lever, and in general, this optic’s pure optical quality at a price normally reserved for non-European-made glass. The DichroTech reticle that uses reticle coatings to optimally reflect light in various conditions so the reticle can always be seen may become the new standard in reticle “illumination.” In sum, the Optika 6 is one of the worlds most versatile riflescopes for hunting and/or target shooting and one of the most value-packed at any price range. $599
