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Скачать с ютуб 2020 KTM 500 EXC : Overview of Big Changes for 2020 PLUS First Impressions Ride в хорошем качестве

2020 KTM 500 EXC : Overview of Big Changes for 2020 PLUS First Impressions Ride 4 года назад

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2020 KTM 500 EXC : Overview of Big Changes for 2020 PLUS First Impressions Ride

Order your parts and riding gear using this link to support Big Rock Moto. Please bookmark it! While there is zero cost to you and nothing will be visible on your end, my channel receives a small commission from each sale which I invest back into content creation. For 2020 KTM has totally updated the EXC line. But what are the changes you should pay attention to and are they really that big a deal? I've owned a 2014 500 EXC so I compare the new bike to my old one and give you a complete overview of the changes for 2020 (and yes, they are great changes). I take the bike out for its 50 mile break in ride and tell you my initial impressions of this beautiful new machine. 500 vs 690    • KTM 690 Enduro vs. 500 EXC  |  Ultima...   --Welcome to Big Rock Moto, a division of Big Rock Media. Motorcycle content that is detailed, intelligent, and born out of my 20+ years of experience with over 30 different motorcycles. Detailed bike reviews, riding tutorials, and more. --Please subscribe and HIT THE BELL. --Please give videos a thumbs up. --Please leave a comment. What kind of content do you want next? --Support me on Patreon:   / bigrockmedia   [Outdoors/Jeeps/RV Content is here:    / @bigrockoutdoors1  ] --Contact: [email protected] --Facebook:   / bigrockmedia1   --Twitter:   / bigrockmedia1   -Instagram:   / bigrockmoto   -- BIG ROCK MOTO IS OPERATED BY BIG ROCK MEDIA LLC
