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Скачать с ютуб Can You Design a 500-lot Subdivision in an Hour? в хорошем качестве

Can You Design a 500-lot Subdivision in an Hour? 7 лет назад

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Can You Design a 500-lot Subdivision in an Hour?

Check out this Tech Talk to learn how you can use SITEOPS parametric design tools to create simple, through to complex residential planning projects in hours not days. Discover how to use parceling tools to create more detailed designs in the conceptual phase of projects. In this video, you will learn how: Each revision can be graded millions of times in minutes Construction documents can be created by importing completed designs into your CAD software To deliver multiple designs based on best cost of construction For more information please visit: To earn professional learning units online, be sure to check out our: • Live Webinars: • OnDemand Webinars: • Courses on LEARNserver: Follow us! • LinkedIn: • Facebook: • Twitter:
