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Knee, Hip and Shoulder Surgery - Ask Dr. Postma

Dr. William Postma is an orthopaedic surgeon in the MedStar Orthopaedic Institute’s Sports Medicine Department at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital. He specializes in arthroscopic surgical repair of the hip, knee and shoulder. Click on “show more” to see all of the questions Dr. Postma answers. Clicking on a specific question will link you to that answer. Learn more about Dr. Postma: Learn more about hip surgery: http://www.MedStarOrthopaedicInstitut... Learn more about sports medicine: http://www.MedStarOrthopaedicInstitut... 2:51 What is the anatomy of the hip? 3:48 What is the labrum? 4:30 What is hip impingement? 4:55 What does cam impingement on the hip look like? 5:45 How does a pincer deformity cause hip impingement? 6:25 How does a hip impingement occur? 7:40 How do you diagnose a labral tear or hip impingement? 8:35 Is arthritis ever confused with a labral tear? 9:20 What type of patient typically presents with hip impingement and labral tears? 10:05 What does pain from a labral tear feel like? 10:25 What are the treatments for labral tears? 11:15 Who benefits from arthroscopic surgery? 12:38 What happens during surgery for hip impingement? 15:15 What is recovery like after arthroscopic surgery? 16:20 Are cartilage injections a real treatment? 17:50 What restrictions will I have after surgery? 18:50 How close to normal will I be after hip arthroscopy? 19:42 Will I have a scar after arthroscopic surgery? 20:08 How closely do you work with physical therapists? 20:30 How often will I be going to physical therapy? 21:12 In order to avoid hip injuries, should I limit how much I run?
