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Doppelganger Dash - FNF: Pluto's Reprisal

It's been a while since Pluto's last adventure. As trouble brews up within Pluto's home, he needs to find other familiar friends to help him solve yet another problem. Who will Pluto encounter once more? Will they agree with him? Will they revolt? What's going on that's making Pluto so worrisome to search around the galaxy? From the helper of the friends of the creator of the mod of the hit indie game of 2021, Doppelganger Dash is a completely new and UNOFFICIAL spinoff consisting of at least eight songs. Rap battle against popular planets of the mass media, such as Pandora, Reach, and even LV-426. New mechanics await... Special thanks to Digital Hourglass for a bustling community and Pluto's Reprisal. Its textures and sprites made a huge feature in this story, and some of Doppelganger Dash has inspiration from the original mod itself. Play Doppelganger Dash Here! Mod package: Psych Engine 1.0 (Recommended): Watch Pluto's Reprisal Here! Part 1    • Pluto's Reprisal Part 1: Planets   Part 2    • Pluto's Reprisal Part 2: Moons   Part 3    • Pluto's Reprisal Part 3: Dwarf Planets   Part 4    • Pluto's Reprisal Part 4: Planets vs. ...   Credits are available at the end of the video showcase ^^ TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 Intro 00:12 Swipe (Vulcan) 02:45 Industrialized (Dilitel) 05:14 Night Rider (Pandora) 09:26 Pico2 (Typhon) 11:57 Obsidian (Nubbo) 14:50 Cross Court (Glumo) 18:08 Defeat (Mann) 21:24 Violence (Acheron) 24:01 Suffering Siblings / "Eight Way Encore" 31:57 Credits + Outro
