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Pritisak na rokadni položej i pobeda !!! SPIELMANN vs RUBINSTEIN # 1549 4 года назад

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Pritisak na rokadni položej i pobeda !!! SPIELMANN vs RUBINSTEIN # 1549

Rudolf Spielmann vs Akiba Rubinstein Karlsbad (1911), rd 16, Four Knights Game: Spanish. Symmetrical Variation (C49) 1.e4 {Notes by Rudolf Spielmann from 42nd "Les Cahiers de l'Echiquier Francais", July 1934 (p. 324), Dr. Savielly Tartakower from "500 Master Games of Chess", and Jacques Mieses.} e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bb5 Bb4 {Spielmann: Later Rubinstein played 4...Nd4 exclusively against the Four Knights. This defense, analyzed and tested for years, has been proven correct, and is the main reason why the Four Knights is now played so rarely.} 5.O-O O-O 6.d3 d6 7.Bg5 Bxc3 8.bxc3 Qe7 {Tartakower: Introducing ingenious regroupings (...Nd8-Ne6 and ...Rd8) which increase the security of Black's position. This system, due to Metger, gives better results in practice than for instance 8...Ne7 or 8...h6 9.Bh4 Bg4, etc.} 9.Re1 Nd8 10.d4 Ne6 {Tartakower: He could quite well play 10...Bg4 first.} 11.Bc1 c6 {Tartakower: The most vigorous continuation is the thrust 11...c5; e.g., 12.d5 (disappointing would be 12.dxe5 dxe5 13.Nxe5, on account of 13...Nc7, winning a piece) 12...Nc7 13.Bd3 Bg4 14.h3 Bh5, and Black holds his own.} 12.Bf1 {Spielmann: As far as I know, played for the first time by Perlis in the tournament of Ostende 1906. *** Tartakower: Intending entirely fresh activities after g3. The potential effect of the two bishops, to all appearances on the retired list, is remarkable.} Rd8 13.g3 Qc7 14.Nh4 {Spielmann: Also good is 14.Bg2, but the text move, which involves the sacrifice of a pawn, is more suitable to my style.} d5 {Spielmann: Necessary. *** Tartakower: In quest of emancipation. *** Mieses: A serious mistake.} 15.f4 {!} exf4 {Tartakower: Helping White's intentions. 15...Nxe4 would have served. *** Spielmann: Relatively better was 15...Nxe4 16.dxe4 Nxc3, but after 17.Qf3 White will also have a good attacking position.} 16.e5 Ne4 17.gxf4 f5 {! Mieses: If 17...Nxc3 then 18.Qf3 followed by f5 and White has a decisive attack. *** Spielmann: If here 17...Nxc3, then 18.Qd3 Ne4 19.f5 with a stronger attack than in the game.} 18.exf6 {! Mieses: But not 18.Nxf5? Nxf4. *** Spielmann: If 18.Nxf5 Rf8! (Better than 18...Nxf4) 19.Ng3 Nxf4 20.Nxe4 dxe4 21.Rxe4 Nh3+ 22.Bxh3 Bxh3 and White has an extra pawn, but his king is exposed.} Nxf6 19.f5 {!} Nf8 20.Qf3 Qf7 {Spielmann: If 20...Ne4 21.Bd3 Nxc3? 22.Bg5 and White has a decisive attack.} 21.Bd3 Bd7 22.Bf4 Re8 {Spielmann: In case of 22...Qh5 23.Qxh5! Nxh5 24.Be5 White will win by doubling his rooks on the g-file.} 23.Be5 c5 24.Kh1 {!} c4 25.Be2 Bc6 26.Qf4 N8d7 27.Bf3 Re7 28.Re2 Rf8 29.Rg1 Qe8 30.Reg2 Rff7 {Spielmann: If 30...Nxe5 31.dxe5 Rxe5 32.Rxg7+ Kh8 33.Ng6+! Kxg7 34.Nxe5+ Kh8 35.Ng6+ hxg6 36.Qh6+ Nh7 37.fxg6 and White wins.} 31.Qh6 {!} Kf8 32.Ng6+ {!} hxg6 33.Qh8+ Ng8 34.Bd6 {! Spielmann: The point of the combination. White's threat is 35.Rxg6, followed by 36.Rxg7.} Qd8 {Spielmann: If 34...Rf6, then 35.Rxg6 Rxg6 36.fxg6 with the double threat: 37.Re1 and 37.Bh5 followed by 38.Rf1+.} 35.Rxg6 Ndf6 36.Rxf6 {!} Rxf6 37.Rxg7 {!} 1-0 Pratite redovne snimke i uclanite se na kanal Gaje Kusiljevca    / @gaja77kusiljevac   ŠAH MAT MATIRANJE NAPAD TAKTIKA ŠKOLA ŠAHA ŠAHOVSKA LITERATURA NAJBOLJE ŠAHOVSKE PARTIJE ŠAHOVSKI EVERGREEN MEČEVI ŠAMPIONA MEČEVI IGRANI ZA ŠAHOVSKU TITULU KOMENTAR ŠAHOVSKE PARTIJE ANALIZA ŠAHOVSKE PARTIJE NAJBOLJE ŠAHOVSKE PARTIJE KOMENTAR ŠAHOVSKIH PARTIJA AMATERSKI ŠAH ŠAH SA DOMACEG PROSTORA PROFESIONALNI ŠAH ŠAH ZA POČETNIKE ŠAH ZA ISKUSNE IGRAČE ANALIZA ŠAHOVSKIH PARTIJA VRSTE I NAZIVI ŠAHOVSKIH MATOVA ŠAHOVSKA OTVARANJA ZAMKE GREŠKE I TRIKOVI U ŠAHU NAJBOLJE ŠAHOVSKE MINIJATURE Šahovske partije velemajstora, analiza partija … Najbolja šahovska otvaranja za početnike Spisak poznatih šahovskih partija NAUČITE DA IGRATE ŠAH besplatne šahovske igre Svetski šampion Magnus Carlsen: Šah se ne uči iz knjige Enciklopedija šahovskih otvaranja
