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Our AGATE Collection | AGATE Variety in Nova Scotia and Why it Has So Many

In his video I show some of our Nova Scotia Bay of Fundy Agates from our collection in order to give you an idea of the variety of agates we find here in our region. Midway through the video I give an graphical explanation as to why we have such a wide variety of agate types. I couldn't show all of our agates so I tried to get a good representation of some agates you may not have seen before on our channel or elsewhere. The video is a bit longer than usual so I have broken it out into sections so you can navigate through it better (see below). Otherwise just kick back and enjoy these amazing agates! THANKS FOR WATCHING!! 0:00​​ Intro 0:43​​ Sagenite Agates 1:56​​ Shadow Agates 4:37​ Porcelain Agates 5:31​​ Eye Agates 6:45​​ Pink Plume/Lace Agates 8:16​​ Brecciated Amethyst Jasper Agates 9:36 Agatized Fossilized Cycads/Conifers 12:13 Seam Agates 16:58 Agate Variety Explanation/CAMP 19:38 Plume Agates 21:20 Jasper Agates 22:21 Agate Nodules P L E A S E S U P P O R T O U R C H A N N E L * Subscribe Hit the thumbs up button on our videos Turn on notifications (aka SMASH THAT BELL!!) Leave a comment (We love answering all comments!!) Share our videos Follow us on our other social media accounts below for additional content C H E C K O U T O U R O T H E R R O C K H O U N D I N G A D V E N T U R E S * F O L L O W U S O N I N S T A G R A M *   / rockhoundin...​   F O L L O W U S O N F A C E B O O K *   / rockhounding...​   F O L L O W U S O N P I N T E R E S T * E M A I L * [email protected] A M A Z I N G R O C K H O U N D I N G & L A P I D A R Y C H A N N E L S * @Marlaina Atkins @Montana Rock Mom @Gravel Bar Hopper @Michigan Rocks @KatyDid ROCKS! @Currently Rockhounding @Theo Kellison @Agate Angler @Agate Dad #TheFinders​​ M U S I C A L C R E D I T S * (in order of appearance) Musician - Otis McDonald Song - Erykah Musician - RW Smith Song - Dig Deep Musician - Gunner Olsen Song - Late Night Snack Musician - RW Smith Song - Turn On Musician - Gunner Olsen Song - Crate Digger Musician - Gunner Olsen Song - Champ Musician - Gunner Olsen Song - Volcano Trap Musician - Yung Logos Song - Papov Musician - Jeremy Blake Song - Exhale Musician - Nico Staf Song - Brooklyn and the Bridge Musician - Silent Partner Song - I wear Headphones #TheFinders​​ #Rockhounding​​ #Lapidary​
