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Скачать с ютуб The Powerful Belgian Draft Horse | Narrated by Me | SoTheAdventure в хорошем качестве

The Powerful Belgian Draft Horse | Narrated by Me | SoTheAdventure 4 года назад

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The Powerful Belgian Draft Horse | Narrated by Me | SoTheAdventure

Hi all! During this video, I discuss some of the characteristics and history of the powerful Belgian Draft Horse along with a couple of "fun facts" about this magnificent breed. Belgians are one of the largest and strongest horse breeds in the world. A single Belgian horse alone can pull up to 8,000 lbs. Two Belgian horses can pull up to three times that amount at a whopping 20,000-24,000 lbs! If the horses are actually trained to work in unison they can pull up to four times the amount of a single Belgian, up to 32,000 lbs!! Belgian Draft horses weight 1,000-3,000 lbs. © All videos were created by SoTheAdventure. Reuse is not allowed. ►MORE SoTheAdventure videos!▼ HAFLINGER HORSE BREED, THE STRONG AND NOBLE | HISTORY & CHARACTERISTICS    • Haflinger Horse Breed, The Strong And...   LEGENDARY MUSTANG HORSE HISTORY & CHARACTERISTICS    • The Legendary Mustang Horse | Spoken ...   GENTLE GIANT PERCHERON DRAFT HORSE    • Gentle Giant Percheron Draft Horse Ch...   AMERICAN BRABANT DRAFT HORSE BREED HISTORY & CHARACTERISTICS    • American Brabant Draft Horse Breed Hi...   SUFFOLK PUNCH DRAFT HORSE, AN ICONIC POWERHOUSE    • Suffolk Punch Draft Horse, An Iconic ...   10 THINGS ABOUT CLYDESDALE HORSES YOU DID NOT KNOW    • 10 Things About Clydesdale Horses You...   HISTORY OF THE CAMARGUE HORSE    • The History Of The Horses In The Cama...   THE STORY OF THE PRZEWALKSI'S HORSE (THE LAST TRULY WILD HORSE & IT'S COMEBACK)    • A Story Of The Przewalski Horse, The ...   RARE DRAFT HORSE BREEDS    • Rare Draft Horse Breeds | Dølahest | ...   If you SUBSCRIBE AND Tap The Bell🔔, YouTube will alert you when SoTheAdventure uploads a NEW video.
