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Скачать с ютуб living in london - a calm sunday & lunch in circolo popolare в хорошем качестве

living in london - a calm sunday & lunch in circolo popolare 3 года назад

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living in london - a calm sunday & lunch in circolo popolare

pasta and good better way to spend a sunday🍴 finstagram: @miareesking_   / miareesking_   hope all is great with you guys! i could not recommend booking a meal in circolo popolare more than anything. the atmosphere, the food, the vibes. do it. thanks for watching, much love 💌 music used: Music by Juju B. Goode - Day 8. Bloom - Music by cameron lane - 7teen - Music by Kissmykas - You Glow (I Will) - Music by monomenu - jazz guitar - Music by MDMN - Midnight Fantasy - 💌 contact: insta -   / miareesking_   email - [email protected] sub count: 1707
