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Ten faults that need fixing on my E51 Nissan Elgrand 2 года назад

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Ten faults that need fixing on my E51 Nissan Elgrand

I recently purchased a 2005 3.5 2WD E51 Nissan Elgrand as a replacement for my Jaguar XJ6 Limo. I paid a very reasonable price but that was in part because it had known issues. Today I give you the quick run down on those Faults and repairs required. In future videos I will be resolving them. Please subscribe and click the notification bell. If you wish to support our channel, why not buy a sticker or other item of our merchandise. This link takes you to the 'To the Garage' shop. “When you click on some of the links provided in this description, or on the website, and then decide to go on and make a purchase, this can result in this channel earning a small commission when you make qualifying purchases. Programs and affiliations include, but are not limited to, the "eBay Partner Network.” and the "Amazon affiliate network" Using these links does not increase the price that you pay in any way. Thank you for supporting To the Garage.” Intro, Outro and bed, theme music were written by Craig Blundell. They are his copyright and provided to ‘To the Garage’ for its exclusive use. They may not be copied or used outside of ‘To the Garage’ YouTube channel without his written permission.
