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Time Isn’t Lost, It’s Misused: How a Worldview Shift Can Reclaim Your Focus [Book 5/15] 14 часов назад

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Time Isn’t Lost, It’s Misused: How a Worldview Shift Can Reclaim Your Focus [Book 5/15]

Use technology consciously. Delete what's unnecessary, keep what works. You don't need to overcomplicate this. To reclaim your attention span, you need to reclaim your time. Be aware of how you spend it. You don't need "more time", you need a worldview-level change. Auto - self-directed Biblio - books/library Therapy - Healing So, autobibliotherapy = self-directed healing via books In this 3 hour playlist, I will summarise my library down to 15 book recommendations that will significantly impact the effectiveness and depth of your inner work journey. Aims: • To provide a full curriculum to complete 5+ years of scattered Inner Work in 1 focused year • To introduce you to a wide and overlapping set of theories and modalities to approach your inner work from all angles, including: unconscious and shadow work height psychology somatic therapy personality development Life coaching and plans/guide for the future Philosophy (existentialism) Anthropology (the study of human beings and their ancestors through time and space and in relation to physical character, environmental and social relations, and culture) Transpersonal psychology and psychosynthesis Inner critic and parts work All with key books for each element to take the study further • To address various interrelated aspects of yourself instead of isolating elements arbitrarily, and formulate a plan on how to do this inner work • To increase your attention span so that you can sit down and read, leading to lower screen time 0:00 Thinking About vs Actually Changing 0:35 (Unofficial) Advanced Book Recommendation 1:10 Deep Change: Values, Worldviews, Solutions, Blocks, Evolution 1:50 Book Recommendation: Digital Minimalism, by Cal Newport 2:48 What is your philosophy of technology? (Do you have one?) 4:00 How has this book helped me? Let's do the Maths! (*Meant to say fortnight, not month at 5:05!) 5:20 "More Time" is a myth; reclaim your time and attention 6:30 Change is needed at the worldview level, not the surface level 7:37 Values change and evolve (advanced and beginner book crossover) 8:15 DISCONNECT! SLOW DOWN! READ!
