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TOP 3 ATV/UTV Tires of 2022!!!

Grab your NEW tires today! In today's Sit Down Sunday, Glen lists the top 3 tires you can run on your ATV or UTV in 2022! Anywhere from mud to trails to sand, these 3 tire picks are well rounded and can match almost any riding style! If you are looking for some new tires, or just want to know what our top 3 picks are, tune into the full video to find out our top 3 picks for the year! Follow Us: Instagram -   / functionpowersports   Facebook -   / functionpowersports   Add your atv/utv to our online gallery! 0:00 Top 3 Tires Introduction 1:00 Number 3 Tire Pick 1:52 Number 2 Tire Pick 2:48 Number 1 Tire Pick 3:38 What Are Your Top Picks? #functionpowersports #utv #atv
