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Скачать с ютуб কাটরা মসজিদের ইতিহাস || History of Katra masjid || Murshidabad || в хорошем качестве

কাটরা মসজিদের ইতিহাস || History of Katra masjid || Murshidabad || 5 лет назад

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কাটরা মসজিদের ইতিহাস || History of Katra masjid || Murshidabad ||

The Katra Masjid is a former caravanserai, mosque and the tomb of Nawab Murshid Quli Khan. It was built between 1723 and 1724.It is one of the largest caravanserais in the Indian subcontinent. It was built during the 18th century, when the early modern Bengal Subah was a major hub of trade in Eurasia. The Katra Masjid is located in the north eastern side of the city of Murshidabad, in the Indian state of West Bengal. The most striking feature of the structure are the two large corner towers having loopholes for musketry.
