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Jail Nurse Interrogated After Letting Inmate Die in the Most Painful Way 1 месяц назад

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Jail Nurse Interrogated After Letting Inmate Die in the Most Painful Way

A nurse was interrogated by Georgia police after facing backlash for allegedly denying medical care to a patient. Annaleen Visser, who worked as a nurse at a local jail, was responsible for providing care to inmates in need. According to another nurse, the patient was in such immense pain that he could not hold himself up and was begging for help. Visser allegedly refused to assist the man, ultimately leading to his painful death. Stranger Stories breaks down the shocking interrogation of the nurse and what happens to her next. Subscribe to Law&Crime Network: Subscribe to Stranger Stories for more in-depth interrogation breakdowns:    / @strangerstories   #TrueCrime #Interrogation #LawAndCrime STAY UP-TO-DATE WITH THE LAW&CRIME NETWORK: Watch Law&Crime Network on YouTubeTV: Where To Watch Law&Crime Network: Sign Up For Law&Crime's Daily Newsletter: Read Fascinating Articles From Law&Crime Network: Submit Tips to Law&Crime: [email protected] For Advertising Inquiries, Please Contact: [email protected] For Licensing Inquiries, Please Contact: [email protected] LAW&CRIME NETWORK SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram:   / lawandcrime   Twitter:   / lawcrimenetwork   Facebook:   / lawandcrime   Twitch:   / lawandcrimenetwork   TikTok:   / lawandcrime   LAW&CRIME NETWORK PODCASTS: SUBSCRIBE TO ALL OF LAW&CRIME NETWORK YOUTUBE CHANNELS: Main Channel:    / @lawandcrime   Law&Crime Shorts:    / @lawandcrimeshorts   Channel B:    / @lawandcrimetrials   Channel C:    / @lawandcrimebodycam  
