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Rihanna Diamonds | Live at Global Citizen Festival 2016

Put your diamonds up with Rihanna and the Global Citizen Festival 2016! Watch other performances by Kendrick Lamar, Demi Lovato, Major Lazer and Metallica, with special guest appearances by Usher, Chris Martin, Eddie Vedder, Ellie Goulding, Yandel, and Yusuf/Cat Stevens. Join the movement and take action to end extreme poverty: Global Citizen is a social action platform for a global generation that aims to solve the world’s biggest challenges. On our platform you can learn about issues, take action on what matters most, and join a community committed to social change. We believe we can end extreme poverty because of the collective actions of Global Citizens across the world. Subscribe to the Global Citizen Youtube channel for exclusive backstage and special content from the day: You can also find us at: Website: Facebook:   / glblctzn   Twitter:   / glblctzn   Instagram:   / glblctzn   Tumblr:   / glblctzn   Google+: This video is a live performance by Rihanna at the Global Citizens Festival 2016.
