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Photography Tutorials For Beginners - White Balance

The Photography Tutorials For Beginners series continues with a tutorial on white balance. In this video, you will learn what white balance is, what happens when you change balance, how to get started practicing with white balance modes. #bestphotographycourse #photographylessons #whitebalance SUBSCRIBE ➜ BLOG ➜ TWITTER ➜   / scottwyden   INSTAGRAM ➜   / scottwyden   FACEBOOK ➜   / scottwyden   Take a look at my video and photo kits at or Thanks for watching and if you like this video, remember to share it with your friends! Mack Worldwide Warranty is a partner of mine. They have supplied me with some of the equipment used to make this video. Their warranties are available around the world in thousands of camera and electronic stores. Learn about them here Scott Wyden Imagery 420 Main St. PO Box 483 Tennent NJ 07763 This channel uses affiliate links for products and services recommended. Not always, but many times. For example, Amazon links will always be affiliate links. That means I make a tiny commission if you purchase the linked product.
