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Скачать с ютуб *LUCKIEST PULLS* I Spent 1,000,000 VC on New Galaxy Opal Packs for the BEST Cards! NBA 2K25 MyTeam в хорошем качестве

*LUCKIEST PULLS* I Spent 1,000,000 VC on New Galaxy Opal Packs for the BEST Cards! NBA 2K25 MyTeam 4 часа назад

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*LUCKIEST PULLS* I Spent 1,000,000 VC on New Galaxy Opal Packs for the BEST Cards! NBA 2K25 MyTeam

2K just released the new swish packs in nba 2k25 myteam with the new galaxy opals and pink diamond lamelo ball so you know we had to risk it for the biscuit to pull the new opals that include galaxy opal jaylen brown and galaxy opal chris webber and the pink diamonds like pink diamond porzingis too and this 1 million VC pack opening was... well... watch to see... pink diamond lamelo ball galaxy opal jaylen brown pink diamond porzingis galaxy opal chris webber swish packs swish packs pack opening galaxy opal galaxy opals galaxy opal packs rewards packs free MT free VC pay to win new locker codes locker code locker codes locker codes 2k25 2k25 locker codes free locker codes Follow Me :   / carlosstory     / carlosxcstory     / carlosxcstory   Help support the channel by becoming a member and earn some exclusive perks on the channel : (become a member :    / carlosstory  ) Big thanks to SeatGeek for sponsoring the channel Use Code : CarlosStory for $20 off your NBA Tickets + More #NBA2k25 #NBA2k25MyTeam #CarlosStory
