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Digital Forensic Audit | An Overview of Digital Forensic Audit

#CASansaar #Audit #ForensicAudit An Overview of Digital Forensic Audit discussed by Sh. Satyendra Srivastava. Like, Share Video and Subscribe CA Sansaar YouTube Channel.    • Digital Forensic Audit | An Overview ...   DISCLAIMER :- This Video is for the purposes of information / knowledge and shall not be treated as solicitation in any manner or of for any other purposes whatsoever. It shall not to be used for any legal advice /opinion and shall not to be used to rendering any professional opinion. Viewers are advised to kindly go through to original Government publications / notifications and published case laws or judicial pronouncements. The statements and opinions expressed in video are those of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect those of the CA Sansaar or any of its employees. CASansaar Team does not take any responsibility for the views of the Speaker. Our Social Links - Follow CA Sansaar YouTube    / casansaarca   Twitter   / casansaar   Facebook   / casansaarca   Linkedin   / casansaar  
