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The Hidden Perks of Staying at Drury Inn and Suites | Universal Orlando

The Drury Inn and Suites is less than 5 miles away from Universal Orlando and it can be booked as an official vacation package. I was concerned that it wasn't an official hotel of Unversoan and that it was located about 2 miles away and not within walking distance. I saw recent reviews about it saying that it was convenient, and a best-kept secret. This is what I discovered when I stayed at this hotel. CHAPTERS 0:00 Intro 0:35 Packages 0:55 Lobby Tour 1:10 Universal Tickets 1:26 Early Park Admission 1:35 Theme Park Shuttle 1:53 Marketplace 2:07 Map and Address 2:22 Parking 2:37 Free Breakfast 3:11 Room Tours 3:43 Gym and Pool 4:00 Transportation RESOURCES & LINKS ___________________________________________________ OrlandoParksGuy Home: https:/ I also have a video on the Drury Plaza Hotel at Disney Springs, This hotel is more convenient to Walt Disney World. See more about this Drury hotel here:    • The Drury Plaza Hotel Orlando at Disn...   ___________________________________________________ SUBSCRIBE    / @orlandoparksguy   ___________________________________________________ CONNECT WITH ME ► Facebook:   / orlandoparksguy   ► Instagram:   / orlandoparksguy   ► Twitter:   / orlandoparksguy   ___________________________________________________ #universalorlandoresort #druryhotels #orlandohotels
