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Throttle House host gives his honest take on the BMW XM

Thomas Holland from Throttle House shares his unfiltered thoughts on the BMW XM after revisiting it since its launch. From its bold design to the suspension setup and even the controversy around its name, Thomas dives into what makes the XM stand out—and where it falls short. Is BMW’s flagship electrified SUV worth the hype? Tune in to hear Thomas’s take! 👉 Subscribe for more honest car reviews: 📸 Follow us on Instagram:   / bmwblog   🚗 More Throttle House podcast content:    • Throttle House Podcast: BMW XM, M2 an...   #BMWXM #ThrottleHouse #CarReview Please Subscribe and help us reach 200K 👉 Find all of our Amazon must-haves here: Join this channel to get access to perks:    / @bmwblog   ............................................................ Facebook:   / bmwblog   Tiktok:   /   Twitter:   / bmwblog   BMWBLOG Website: ............................................................. Camera: GoPro 11 - Microphone: Rode Wireless GO II -
