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Inside Syria's notorious torture prison 1 день назад

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Inside Syria's notorious torture prison

The full scale of the practices inside Syria’s notorious Sednaya prison are coming to light since the fall of the regime. Thousands of civilians trudged up the hill to Sednaya, a prison on the outskirts of Damascus where, among the broken glass and discarded documents, they came to find clues to the whereabouts of thousands of Syrians jailed, tortured and killed by the regime. They scoured through every record they could find, desperate for names, for any trace of their loved ones. They clawed at concrete with their hands and took sledgehammers to walls, all to no avail. Read the best of our journalism: Subscribe to The Times and The Sunday Times YouTube channel: Find us on Facebook:   / timesandsundaytimes   Find us on Twitter:   / thetimes   Find us on Instagram:   / thetimes   #syria #prison #torture #assad
