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DOORS But Bad v1.4 FLOOR 2 - Full Walkthrough | ROBLOX

I have completely passed the Roblox DOORS But Bad v1.4 (FLOOR 2) game 🚪 00:00 - Elevator 00:15 - THE MINES 01:41 - Door 101 - 108 03:26 - Figure (Door 109) 03:46 - Door 110 - 119 06:20 - Rush & Ambush 07:00 - Figure (Door 123) 07:28 - Door 124 - 139 10:27 - Seek Chase (Door 140 - 149) 13:20 - Queen Grumble Chase 1 13:52 - DOOR 150 (Grumbles) 18:05 - Queen Grumble Chase 2 18:40 - Jeff Shop (Door 152) 19:15 - Door 153 - 173 24:02 - Halt (Door 174) 25:40 - Door 175 - 176 26:57 - Water Maze (Door 177) 30:14 - Door 178 - 196 33:34 - Seek Chase (Door 197 - 199) 36:03 - BOSS Dam Seek (Door 200) 42:00 - Ending 42:32 - Ending Cutscene 43:05 - End Screen 🎮 GAME: 💥 THIS IS NOT AN ORIGINAL DOORS GAME, BUT A FAN MADE 💥 💠 My Roblox Name: Plus_Ro 👍 LIKE 💬 COMMENT 🔔 SUBSCRIBE ➕ ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ © I own all the copyright for this video! This video is recorded, edited and posted by me (Plus Roblox). Thumbnail is made by me (Plus Roblox). Disclaimer for YouTube: All of the content in this video was recorded, edited and is made by Plus Roblox. Plus Roblox currently has all rights to the content in this video, which is protected by fair use and transformative laws. «No copyright infringement intended» «I do not own the music» «Made for satirical purposes only, no copyright infringement intended» #doors #robloxdoors #doorsfloor2
