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[제목] ▶ More ‘mylittletelevision’ clips are available↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ [mylittletelevision] Come back stronger [mylittletelevision V2] Mylittletelevision, which led the broadcasting era on the 1st day with its original content and freshness by combining Internet personal broadcasting and terrestrial entertainment program for the first time. More evolved [mylittletelevision V2] communication. 'Mylittletelevision' chat system that led direct communication between performers and viewers! The new mylittletelevision V2 introduces a more advanced two-way communication method with the introduction of the broadcasting system 'voice chat system'! 'Competition is not' but born again [mylittletelevision V2] We adopted a donation system to get away from the simple competition structure to occupy the number of the audience! All performers will collectively donate donations from their broadcasts, and try to make a contribution to donations where they need help. ★★★More "mylittletelevision" clips are available★★★ Naver https://tv.naver.com/mylittletelevision Daum https://tv.kakao.com/channel/2653253/... Homepage http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/ent/litt... #MBC #mylittletelevision #AnnYujin #KimGura #SongGain #JeongHyeongdon #JangSeonggyu #SongHayeong #JangYeongran #마이리틀텔레비전 #마리텔 #최양락 #정성호 #김학래 #레전드 #영상 #YTN습격사건 #YTN #습격사건