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Podcast recorded within ENGAGE | The Virtual Reality Podcast 5 лет назад

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Podcast recorded within ENGAGE | The Virtual Reality Podcast

Thank you to The Virtual Reality Podcast! We teamed up with Steven Sato and recorded a podcast within ENGAGE, our VR Education & Training Platform. This video shows how people in different parts of the world (Ireland and the US) can collaborate in real time as if sitting in the same room. David Whelan discusses future of VR Education, recreating historical events & how ENGAGE is being used for communication, education and training. You can listen to the podcast here: Both David and Steven were wearing Oculus Quest to record this podcast. Recording was filmed by Chris who also was in attendance and recorded the podcast through his perspective from his headset. ENGAGE is an advanced virtual reality education and training platform that makes it easy to collaborate, create and learn in VR. Perfect for educators, trainers and corporate teams. Visit the ENGAGE website fr more info :
