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Facial & Face Massage Roleplay w/ Cloni Bomboni – blackhead removal, face mask (ASMR) 8 лет назад

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Facial & Face Massage Roleplay w/ Cloni Bomboni – blackhead removal, face mask (ASMR)

Rest in peace to all those who were shot at the club in Orlando Florida. And RIP to Christina Grimmie. Hey poopsies! Back at it again with Clone Bomboni! YES I read all your comments and yes I will call them CLONI BOMBONI from now on… It makes total sense and I didn’t think of it on my own. Any way, they are giving you a facial today, with two different face masks, one being the charcoal & black sugar, and the other the pink lemon & mandarin orange scrub. They are using the spin brush to spinbrush your face and massage it using different textures, and finally moisturizing and removing blackheads & blemishes, acne / pus, ingrown hairs, etc… So, enjoy your spa day! Check it out I’m on Instagram:   / asmrer   Facebook:   / officialtonybomboni   Twitter:   / asmrer   Google+:
