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Скачать с ютуб LOL OMG Midnight BB Doll Great Goth Doll! в хорошем качестве

LOL OMG Midnight BB Doll Great Goth Doll! 3 года назад

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LOL OMG Midnight BB Doll Great Goth Doll!

LOL OMG Midnight BB Doll Great Goth Doll! I edited out a very long story from my teenage years. I felt it was a bit too triggering. So this video is a little choppy. Sorry! Moonlight BB: Sunshine Gurl: Welcome to My World! My pronouns are she/her and I am a 53 year old mom who believes no matter how old we get, we never need to grow up! I rule here and it's all about dolls, speaking from the heart about real life and trying to shine some light into the world. I make really long videos becasue I feel like I am hanging out with my friends. So get some snacks and enjoy! I collect Barbie, Monster High, Ever After High, Rainbow High, LOL OMG, Na Na Na Surprise, Disney Princess Dolls and so many more! I love fashion dolls and I believe that dolls are the best toys for people to improve empathy and to explore their creativity!
