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How to make WW casserole| ALL PLANS PTS INCLUDED

Hey guys! In this video I do my take on an EXTREMELY delicious casserole recipe I found from Felicia Keathley! Super delicious and only 6 pts for blue and purple plans and 9 for green! You get a huge serving and feel like you’re eating real rice and a super point heavy meal when you aren’t ! It’s AMAZE. Thank you SO much for watching and enjoy the video! Used in video recipe: 1 lb of chicken 1 bag of cauliflower rice 1 bag of broccoli 1 can of 98% fat free cream of chicken 1/4 cup of light mayo 1 cup of mozzarella cheese (low moisture part skim) 1/2 cup of corn flakes 1 can of corn Salt and pepper to taste! LETS BE FRIENDS :) Instagram: Sophia MarieDee WW Connect: Sophia1676 🎵Music cred🎵 River by musicbyaden   / musicbyaden   Creative Commons-Attribution 3.0 imported-CC By 3.0 Free Download/stream: Music promoted by Audio Library Https://
