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What it's Like Being Famous in Japan vs. Life in the USA and Becoming Bilingual | EP #8 5 месяцев назад

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What it's Like Being Famous in Japan vs. Life in the USA and Becoming Bilingual | EP #8

Go to Klook and start booking your travel to Tokyo / Japan today 👉 Kemio is a mixed Japanese Persian-Italian model, TV personality, and social media sensation from Tokyo. His parents both unfortunately passed away when he was 2 tragically in a car accident, so he was raised by his two Japanese grandparents, and told he was "full Japanese" rather than half Japanese until age 18. Originally getting his start from Vine, he was one of the original social media personalities in Japan that successfully made the jump from internet to mainstream stardom. Listen to him talk about his come up in Japan, and what it has been like learning English and seeing Japan from a different perspective after moving to the USA (New York). Follow kemio below! Instagram:   / mmkemio   YouTube: ‪@mmkemio‬ 📙Click Join on YouTube or Become a Patron for Exclusive Early Access to Interviews, Uncut Content, and Behind the Scenes discussion   / maxd   ✖️Thank you to the below Patrons for helping me create videos✖️ Joshua Titus, Kazuo Jin, David Morales, Alex Capo, Ken 👇Second VLOG Channel👇    / @maxdunhinged   #mixedjapanese #learnjapanese #japaninterview #japanpodcast #halfjapanese #livinginjapan Enjoyed seeing the cute Pudgy Penguin plushies? Check out their toys, NFTs, and other merchandise on: Instagram:   / pudgypenguins   TikTok: @pudgypenguins?lang=en #pudgypenguins -------------------------------- 🔥Max D. Capo Social Media and Discord🔥 Instagram 👉   / maxdcapo   Facebook👉  / maxcapopage   ​​​​Twitter👉  / maxdcapo   ​​​​Discord👉   / discord   Tiktok👉   / maxdcapo   Twitch👉  / maxthemasterninja   -------------------------------- 0:00 intro 0:47 Who is Kemio? 3:17 Why didn't parents tell kemio he was Half Japanese? 7:27 What's it like being Half Japanese in Japan? 11:28 What made kemio want to start YouTube? 14:42 Japan was slow to open up to social media personalities 16:00 Jumping from Social Media to TV 18:20 Japanese Agencies for Talent are Very Strict and Unfair 22:07 Japanese comments on YouTube, Twitter, and Tiktok 25:10 Do you enjoy Social Media still? 27:44 Japanese People can't take a compliment 30:51 Work Culture in Japan vs. USA 40:00 Japanese people are scared to say no, or make boundaries 33:10 Japan is suffering on happiness scale 36:55 Tokyo food is so cheap compared to America 37:46 Rats in Tokyo vs. New York 38:48 Why is New York better than LA? 42:21 Being gay in Japan 44:00 Being gay in America 45:56 Why does Gen Z love Japan in weird ways? 49:00 Favorite neighborhood in Tokyo 49:50 Japanese people drink so much 50:36 Japanese section: Personality change between English and Japanese 53:30 Laughter 53:47 Ending
