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Скачать с ютуб Quick Introduction в хорошем качестве

Quick Introduction 2 года назад

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Quick Introduction

Start your OnAir Airline Manager Free Trial here: Manage your Pilot Career in your own Airline Company in an Online persistent World. What is OnAir Airline Manager? The user starts an airline and tries to grow it to a larger airline. You start by renting a small aircraft and transporting some good. If you are a flight simmer you can fly these missions yourself, if you are not, you can hire a virtual pilot and have him fly it. Do check the weather (yes, real-time weather) because taking a job and not being able to complete it can be costly! Compatible with all versions of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, XPlane 11, P3D and FSX:SE. For more information on OnAir Company Join us on Discord:   / discord   #MicrosoftFlightSimulator #MSFS2020 #Careeradd-on #XPlane #P3D #FSX
