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Скачать с ютуб Hearts of Iron IV: Beginner's Modding Guide | Part 2 - Events & National Spirits в хорошем качестве

Hearts of Iron IV: Beginner's Modding Guide | Part 2 - Events & National Spirits 3 месяца назад

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Hearts of Iron IV: Beginner's Modding Guide | Part 2 - Events & National Spirits

Now that you've gotten started modding it's time to learn about how to create national spirits and events in Hearts of Iron IV. What is a modifier? How do triggers work? What kind of events can I create? Your modding journey is still just getting started so try out your new skills and stay tuned for part 3! 0:00 - In this tutorial 0:17 - Effects, modifiers, scopes, and triggers 1:35 - How to create a national spirit 4:12 - How to create an event 8:13 - Localisation files #hoi4 #heartsofironiv #modding --------------------------------- Follow us on social media for HOI News, Announcements and other fun stuff! Twitter - Facebook - IG - Discord - Forum - Steam -
