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Скачать с ютуб Phil Keaggy - "What A Day" [FULL ALBUM, 1973, Christian Soft Rock] в хорошем качестве

Phil Keaggy - "What A Day" [FULL ALBUM, 1973, Christian Soft Rock] 6 лет назад

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Phil Keaggy - "What A Day" [FULL ALBUM, 1973, Christian Soft Rock]

Phil's latest music: Phil's Bio: artist: Phil Keaggy album: "What A Day" (1973) songs: A1. That is what the Lord will do for you 0:00 A2. King of the Jews 2:55 A3. Walking With Our Lord 5:00 A4. A Time and a Place 9:19 A5. Rejoice 12:06 B1. What a Day 16:50 B2. Now I Can See 21:35 B3. Behold, All Things Become New 26:39 B4. Hallelujah 27:59 B5. I Will Sing 32:40 This is the very first Christian album I owned and the first solo album Phil released. Artists who have their copyrighted songs registered and monetized via YouTube Content ID receive money anytime anyone listens to their song, no matter who posted it. If you are the artist and have a link for people to purchase your work, want this removed, or want additional albums uploaded, please leave a comment below.
