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All of My American Girl Dolls! ~ May 2020 (MASSIVE collection! 45 Dolls!)

I decided it was about time that I uploaded an updated all of my dolls video since I have gotten a couple more dolls since last year! I hope you guys enjoy! Like, Subscribe, and comment below! My comment question to you: What American Girl Dolls do you have? Also don't forget to leave any questions for my 1,000 subscribers Q&A video! Instagram: @_biggestagfanever_   / _biggestagfanever_   Got business related stuff? Reach out to me through my business email! Business Email: [email protected] All of these dolls opening videos~ Lanie:    • American Girl Doll Lanie Unboxing   Nicki:    • Unboxing Retired American Girl Doll N...   Caroline:    • Opening Caroline Abbott   Saige:   • Birthday Haul: Opening Saige Copeland...   Addy:    • Opening American Girl doll Addy Walker!   Chrissa:    • Opening Retired GOTY 2009 Chrissa Max...   Isabelle:    • American Girl Isabelle Reveal at the ...   Grace:    • American Girl Grace Thomas Reveal!+Op...   Z-Yang:    • Opening Z-Yang Back From the AG Doll ...   Melody:    • I Have Three Melody Dolls and Here is...   BeForever Molly:    • Opening the New BeForever Molly ~ Ame...   Tenney and Nanea:    • What I Got For Christmas 2018!~Americ...   Blaire:    • Unboxing Blaire Wilson GOTY 2019   Aliyah:    • American Girl Benefit Sale Vlog+Haul ...   Felicity:    • Finding an American Girl Doll While T...   Joss:    • American Girl Joss Kendrick Reveal at...   Marisol:    • Unboxing Retired AG Doll! ~American G...   Song: Better Days by Lakey Inspired    • LAKEY INSPIRED - Better Days   #AmericanGirl #BiggestAGFanEVER #AllMyAGDolls
