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Скачать с ютуб Are you BETTER OFF with a 2017 Subaru WRX STI Limited or just buy NEW? - Raiti's Rides в хорошем качестве

Are you BETTER OFF with a 2017 Subaru WRX STI Limited or just buy NEW? - Raiti's Rides 6 лет назад

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Are you BETTER OFF with a 2017 Subaru WRX STI Limited or just buy NEW? - Raiti's Rides

Is the 2017 Subaru WRX STI the one you should get over a brand new 2018 model? This Limited features forged BBS wheels, fog lights, and some other features the new 2018 STI doesn't have. Still under the hood is the tried and true 2.5L flat-four putting out 305hp. Of course it has Subarus excellent AWD system. Check it out and you determine if the new STI fails short compared to this 2017.
