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Скачать с ютуб Build a BattleTech Force for the Table – Reactor Ops в хорошем качестве

Build a BattleTech Force for the Table – Reactor Ops 1 месяц назад

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Build a BattleTech Force for the Table – Reactor Ops

Check out a new force-building option for Classic BattleTech: Have you ever struggled with creating a roster or list of units that you can use in a game? Perhaps this app can help. Reactor Ops is a unit search and force creation app for Classic BattleTech. Search allows you to browse a comprehensive catalog of units and apply a range of filters to narrow down your options. You can layer filters until you find the exact units that interest you, and then add them to your roster (a "Force"), where you can view the overall composition, including the combined Battle Value (BV). From Force, you can see detailed information for each unit in your roster, such as weapons, equipment, cost, total armor, and maximum movement value. Units are displayed as "cards" with key information to aid in force and unit evaluation. The Tactical Overview provides a summary of your entire Force, including its combined armament and damage potential. In Force Analytics, you can review interactive charts highlighting key Force metrics. Players can make Force Adjustments to modify unit Warrior Skills and automatically detect and assign units to C3 networks. You can export your Force in .pdf and .csv formats, or download a zip file containing data for generating record sheets through the specified version of MegaMek MekLab. ###All painted models are the author's own - I hope you like them!####
