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Live: Kospi Down 2% | HDFC Revamps Functions | Kohli's Powerboat Team | Newspresso Трансляция закончилась 1 год назад

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Live: Kospi Down 2% | HDFC Revamps Functions | Kohli's Powerboat Team | Newspresso

In today's edition of Newspresso here's what you can look out for. Hong Kong stocks led Asia-Pacific markets lower. Hang Seng closed 2.69% lower, recovering slightly from its previous session of 3%. Meanwhile in India's corporate world, three months after that mega-merger with HDFC, the HDFC bank is set to revamp its top management. Moving onto the trends sector where, former Indian team captain Virat Kohli, entered the world's first electric boat racing league as a team owner. For more details on these & more stories watch with Moneycontrol's Stacy Pereira. #live #live #live #news #worldnews Moneycontrol is India's leading financial and business portal with in-depth market coverage, analysis, expert opinions, and a gamut of financial tools. A part of Network18, is the most influential destination for stock market news and advice, business news, and news about the Indian and global economy. Subscribe: Follow us: Visit Facebook:   / moneycontrol   Twitter:   / moneycontrolcom   Instagram:   / moneycontrolcom  
