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Lil Wayne Type Beat - "Bad Bitchez"

Support the channel $20 Basic Lease: Untagged mp3/wav $100 Unlimited Package: Untagged mp3/wav/stems $125 Exclusive License: Ownership of track/files Please state which track and license you're purchasing when sending payment and I will send the files via the linked email at my earliest convenience ANY USE OF TRACKS WITHOUT PROOF OF A PURCHASED LICENCE WILL RESULT IN TAKEDOWNS AND LEGAL ACTION! #lilwayne #lilwaynetypebeat #lilwaynetypebeat2023 #traptypebeat2023 #trap #chillbeats #typebeat2023 #beatsforsale #beatsforlease #youtubebeats #beats lil wayne type beat,lil wayne type beat free for profit,lil wayne type beat 2023,free for profit type beat,free for profit type beat 2023,trap type beat,trap type beat 2023,trap type beat free for profit,lil wayne,lil wayne type beat 2023 hard,chill trap type beat 2023,chill trap type beat,chill trap type beat free for profit,free lil wayne type beat,lil wayne type beat free,chill trap type beat free,2023 lil wayne type beat,lil wayne type beats
