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BEST-OF Nissan Skyline R34 Sound Compilation 2020!

CLOTHING: A weekly series. This one based on the R34 Nissan Skyline. All videos filmed by me, subscribe for more. Each week I will upload a video, of about 10 minutes, showcasing a particular model or manufacturer of car. This month I'm celebrating the R34 Nissan Skyline, including varients such as the GT, GTT, GTX, GTR, V-Spec, V-Spec II and V-Spec II Nür. @AdamC3046 Head over to for a full list of car shows in the UK! Instagram:   / adamc3046   Facebook:   / adamc3046   Flickr: is the largest register of Car Events on the internet and is completely free to use, you can search and even create/share any automotive event for free. You can also find all of the events I attend on Car Huddle.
