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How To Deal With A Lying Spouse | Paul Friedman

I'm not going to soften this. How to deal with a lying spouse? This is not easy because when you're talking about a lying spouse it could range from petty lies to them stealing all the money and going on a trip around the world with a lover on the side. But, I will give you a lot to think about. I can help you if your partner is lying to you.I am not big on forgiving a lying spouse but only because that is not our job. I am big on loving your spouse, regardless, while being practical if the circumstances warrant it. ------- Join our mailing list and get our Top 10 Do's and Don'ts for Marriage: Ask a TMF counselor about your situation, free: 12 Week Marriage System: Men & Women's courses: Watch Paul talk about the system:    • 12 Week Marriage Saving System & Onli...   Paul's Books: Breaking The Cycle Lessons for a Happy Marriage Follow Us: Twitter:   / themarriagefdn   Pinterest:   / themarriagefoundation   All other information about TMF: To Support TMF with Your Donation: ------- #marriageproblems #communication #angermanagement #marriageanddivorce #frustrated #abusivepartner
